Tuesday, February 01, 2005

65 US Soldier Deaths in Iraq in the Last 10 Days

Our imperialist interest in Iraq is not worth it. The US has always dressed up its protection of economic interests in moralistic terms. We claimed we had to protect the world from being over-run by communists. That was the rationale with Vietnam. But in 1954, US News and World Report had an article about why the US was risking war in Indochina which said, “One of the world's richest areas is open to the winner in Indochina. That's behind the growing U.S. concern … tin, rubber, rice, key strategic raw materials are what the war is really all about. The U.S. sees it as a place to hold -- at any cost (April 4, 1954.)” We backed Vietnam dictator Diem and aided the French in their imperialism because of our economic interests. When the French pulled out, we remained, not from the goodness of our heart, not because we wanted to keep China from over-running all of Asia, not because we feared Russia’s military might. We kept fighting in Vietnam to protect our economic interests and because we couldn’t admit we were wrong. Finally, in 1973 Richard Nixon pulled us out of the unwinnable war in Vietnam. We didn’t win. Nobody won. We are doing the same thing in Iraq. Carlyle Group corporations making huge profits from the war in Iraq is not worth one US soldier death. Protecting the Bush family collusion with the Saud family and the bin Laden family is not worth one US soldier death in Iraq. Defending US oil interests in Iraq is not worth one US soldier death. All the lies and deceit coming out of the White House to cover up the real reason we’re in Iraq cannot right the wrong deaths of 1,436 US soldiers. It’s not freedom, liberty or democracy. It’s the rich wanting more riches. That’s why we are in Iraq. So I ask you, now that we’ve bragged about bringing democracy to Iraq, now that they’ve had their elections, and we’ve shown the Iraqis that we mean business and that we will bomb the bejesus out of any country that won’t let us invade and maraud and steal their resources, are they going to hand over their oil? Because that’s what this hideous unnecessary war in Iraq has been about.

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