Monday, January 31, 2005

Remember the Scorpion and the Frog Story?

One day a scorpion was walking along the riverbank trying to find a way across the river that separated him from his desired location when he came across a frog sitting alongside the riverbank. The scorpion walked up to the frog and asked the frog if he would take him across the river. The frog quickly replied, "No, I would not give you a ride." The scorpion then asked him why. The frog replied, "Because Mr. Scorpion if I gave you a ride on my back you would sting me and I would drown." Quickly the scorpion replied, "But Mr. Frog, if I stung you then you would drown and if you drown then I would drown also." The frog thought for a moment and then said, "I guess you're right, then I will give you a ride." The scorpion jumps on the frog's back and they start crossing the river. Halfway across the river the frog suddenly feels a sharp pain in his back, as the scorpion stings him. The frog immediately starts to panic as he feels the venom race through his veins and he quickly begins to become paralyzed. Just as he is taking his last breath and is about to go down, the frog looks at the scorpion and asks "Why did you do it? You promised not to sting me! Now we are both going to drown!" The scorpion replies, "I'm sorry sir, but I could not help it--it's my nature.” Yesterday, as more people died in Iraq and the number of US soldiers killed rose to 1,431, President George W. Bush said the election in Iraq was a “resounding” success. People of Iraq, remember this: President Bush has lied to you in the past. The White House has lied to you in the past. President Bush will lie to you in the future. The White House will lie to you in the future. Lying is their nature.

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