Saturday, August 12, 2006

How Stupid is This!!

AmericaBlog pointed out one of the most glaring idiocies of the current ban on liquids on American flights. In the hysteria following the latest Homeland Security response to the arrest of terrorism suspects in the British bombing plot, TV news segments showed liquids and gels being tossed into trash containers at airport check-in lines. As AmericaBlog reported, officials directed passengers to pour open bottles of liquid directly on top of the closed bottles of liquids and gels in trash containers. If the Bush administration really believed that liquid explosives were being secreted in carry-on luggage, how come airport officials were directing passengers to pour liquids from carry-on luggage into trash containers? They could have exploded then and there, right? Since the airport officials don’t know what other element(s) may be needed (if any) to detonate liquid explosives, how could they know that the other element(s) hadn’t previously been added to the trash? The way the ban on liquids and gels in carry-on luggage has been implemented is stuff out of a Keystone Kops script. Unless, of course, the Bush administration knows there is no liquid explosive plot that is far enough advanced to be operational. Ah then, the airport ban is brilliant. Bush and Co. get to prate about the terrorism that 9/11 spawned and put the terrorism the White House has spawned on the back burner. And they get to once again scare the American people. Which, in any White House script is a big plus. We need only remember the advice to secure our homes against terrorism with duct tape and Saran Wrap, and the frantic arrest of teenagers this past June who had fantasized about blowing up the Sears Tower in Chicago. In addition, as the New York Times reports this morning, “White House officials said that the fallout from the discovery of the British bombing plot could help the administration advance its (eavesdropping) agenda in Congress.” Terrorism is all-good-all-the-time from the point of view of the fascist terrorists in the Bush administration. But will it get votes? Which, of course, is the whole GOP objective. Former Reagan White House political director and Republican strategist, Ed Rollins said last night on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight, “At the end of the day Joe Lieberman is going to be a U.S. senator, and if Republicans are smart, they'll make every effort to make sure he votes with them a lot of times.” It’s up to the people who don’t want to be ruled by fascist terrorists in the White House to make sure Rollins is wrong.


Anonymous said...

The liquid bomb technique can be employed anywhere at any time. I've often wondered, do cruise ship companies go through the same precautions as the airlines? Shouldn't security protocols change everywhere? In schools, at museums, in shopping malls? Sigh...

Barry Schwartz said...

‘AM said...

The liquid bomb technique can be employed anywhere at any time. I've often wondered, do cruise ship companies go through the same precautions as the airlines? Shouldn't security protocols change everywhere? In schools, at museums, in shopping malls? Sigh...’

Have you ever seen the 1930s Alfred Hitchcock thriller ‘Sabotage’? It involves terrorist bombing.

However I think there may be a couple of weaknesses in Joy’s reasoning: (1) Bushists are too dumb to do things correctly even if they want to; (2) TSA is having people spill out their liquids, but they aren’t having people throw out their blasting caps; (3) you would be very unlikely to get more than a dilute slop rather than an explosive. My point is not that the Bushists aren’t doing this to terrorize, but that it is not reliable evidence that they know there are no explosives. Also it’s not ‘brilliant’, but more of the same crudity. Everyone should stop cowering in awe of the morons who brought us the Teresa Schiavo affair, the Destroy Social Security road show, and the criminal prosecution of Irving Libby.

Greg Palast pointed out on Air America Radio yesterday that the terror level system is stupid because it tells terrorists when our guard is down. That is pretty stupid!

Barry Schwartz said...

Oh, and I would never hire Ed Rollins as a political advisor. I would, however, hire The Rude Pundit.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it's pretty ham handed to ban all liquids, but at least it will stop the terrorists from using liquid explosives while the ban is in effect. They don't expect to catch anyone, just to dissuade potential plane bombers. After the panic blows over, however, we're back to business as usual.