Saturday, December 23, 2006

WH: “No Draft”; Yikes! WH Always Lies

The New York Times this morning says the Selective Service System media contact Dick Flahavan has been inundated with calls. Everyone, from John Q. Public to mainstream media reporters, has the same question: Are you reinstituting the draft? So many queries were coming into Flahavan’s office that he posted an update yesterday morning on the SS Web site: “No Draft on Horizon!” The SS says a Hearst wire service article reported that the SS had plans for a “mock” draft exercise that would determine how, if necessary, the government would get 100,000 draft-age young people to report to their draft boards. The article got everyone fired up, Flahavan said. That, and the Prez saying he wants to increase the size of the Army and Marine Corps. The NYT says, “The mock computer exercise, last carried out in 1998, is strictly routine, Selective Service officials said, and it will not actually be run until 2009 — if at all. The exercise has been scheduled several times in the last few years, only to be scuttled each time because of budget and staffing problems, and Mr. Flahavan said he would not be surprised if it was canceled this time around, too.” The White House came out with a statement from one of its spokesmen Trey Bohn. Bohn said, “The president’s position has not changed. He supports an all-volunteer military, and the administration is not considering reinstating the draft.” But for all the nay saying from the SSS and the WH, it’s not enough to allay fears, is it? After all, what does “on the horizon” mean? What does it mean that today the Prez supports an all-volunteer military, if tomorrow the Prez decides he doesn’t support a volunteer military? And then there is the fact that the President of the United States and the Bush administration and the White House ALWAYS lie. That’s what has everyone in a snit and swivet. That’s the one thing we have learned we can count on. Whenever the WH and the Prez say they are not going to do something, they do it. That’s why moms and dads are calling the Office of Selective Service. That’s why draft-age kids are starting to think about running off to Canada. Because we all know Crazy George and his posse of Loony-Tune brown-nosers and the neocons really are considering reinstituting the draft. Can we trust Congress to knock this option out of the box? No. Not if Congress continues to fund the unnecessary and illegal war in Iraq. Reinstating the draft is a given if the insane war in Iraq is to continue.

1 comment:

Barry Schwartz said...

I'd been saying for so long that there was no way to continue without a draft, that I decided I was simply wrong. Essentially, Bush doesn't care how much suffering he inflicts on fighters and families, nor does he care about the effectiveness of our military, and thus he can put the same people in Iraq again and again and again, as long as that is the most politically expedient way to get through the next two years without 'giving up'.

Also, Bush does not always lie. For example, when he had a daughter in the hospital one time, I forget for what, when asked about it he said he didn't care. It may seem a little thing but it demonstrates that one cannot safely assume he is lying.

If SSA takes a piss it scares half the country to death, I’ve noticed. A few years ago (before Bush) they were doing the talk show circuit, encouraging people too old (then) for military service to sign up to be on a local draft board, instead.

I think we should be more concerned with whether a successor to Bush will ask for a draft. John McCain, for instance, says no, but you can hear his brain waves saying yes.