Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Yikes! What If George W Isn’t Dumber Than Grass?

Neocons have been saying all along that George W. Bush is no lightweight in the brains department. Yes, they say, he may be lazy intellectually. And yes, he may not be a bookworm. In fact, they say, he doesn’t like to read at all, but he’s not an airhead. Well okay. That means he’s been actively courting the image that he’s stupid. Why would he do that? This morning Slate ran an article by Steven Waldman of Beliefnet. He says, “The president repeatedly says he makes decisions based on "instinct" and "gut" and by looking into the hearts of world leaders. He lets it be known that he doesn't read the newspapers. He seems to discourage dissenting viewpoints. He jokes about his poor command of the English language and his lousy grades in school. He is America's most famous evangelical Christian–and he's proudly anti-intellectual.” But, Waldman says, the born-again image that Bush has crafted ”doesn't accurately describe Bush's decision-making process. By most accounts, the president's basic intellectual make-up was formed long before his faith conversion.” Okay. Bush wants us to believe he’s a simple man who relies on God to lead him to the right decisions, but that’s just political Bushwa. And we know Bush Jr. is no Texan. In Connecticut, he’s a Texan. But in Texas he ain’t no Texan. Alrighty then. The Prez wants to seem dumb even though he’s bright. He doesn’t actually let God make his decisions but likes to look as though he does. He’s all hat and no cattle in Crawford, Texas. And we know he refused to take his annual physical this year. What are we left with? Beats me. He wants the non-thinking, born-again, faux-Western, who-cares-if-Bush-has-health-problems vote. You guys vote for him. I’m voting for Kerry.

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