Sunday, October 31, 2004

Ten Top Reasons Why Bin Laden Tape Is A Fake

10 The BushMen needed a diversion 9 It doesn’t matter what the tape says, real news is worse 8 OBL is six-foot-eight-inches tall, the podium was built for GWB 7 Podium? Film production facility? The man is on the lam! Please! 6 If that’s OBL’s nose he’s had work done in his hidey-hole 5 OBL looked too healthy for a sick man with diabetes on dialysis 4 If those are OBL’s eyebrows he’s had work done in his hidey-hole 3 Bush couldn’t find OBL so he gave us a Halloween costume idea 2 This is Karl Rove’s after-the-election film school demo tape 1 OBL is dead...what else could Bush do? You have to give the Bush team credit, though. They’ve got the MSM by the nose and are jerking them around to a fare-thee-well. Has any one of them said, “Get outta town, we don’t believe this!”? No. It’s all: Will this hurt Bush? Help Kerry? What’s this do to the polls? I do wish I had fly-on-the-wall privileges at BushMen brainstorming sessions, though. Particularly in these last-days desperate times. Let’s produce a terror attack! Nah! They might think we’re not protecting them. Let’s get Ashcroft to put out another alert. Nah! That’s not working so good anymore. Let’s keep Dems from voting...yeah...that’s good. Let’s make a bin Laden tape. Really? Hey! Great idea! In the meantime, while the hokey bin Laden hoax has the attention of the gullible press, nine American marines were killed in Iraq yesterday...the worst day in six months for our guys. And there you have it. The real news. Need anything else be said?

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