Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Bush Says Kerry Playing “Politics of Fear”

Huh? I know...I know. I’m acting as though the Bush campaign has one foot in reality. But the tactic of the BushMen accusing Kerry of Bush’s own worst failings is getting ridiculous. First, Bush accused Kerry of flip-flopping when the Bush administration has continually reversed its position on key issues. They said they would not agree to a 9/11 Commission. We know how that worked out. They said the 9/11 commission could not see the President’s Daily Briefs. The Commission got the Daily Briefs. They stonewalled an investigation into their claim Iraq had bought uranium oxide in Niger. The investigation was held and they had to admit the claim was false. They said Condoleeza Rice would-not-could-not-and-never-ever would testify to the 911 Commission. She testified. They said members of Iraq’s Baath party were Nazis, thugs and sadists and would not be involved in the reunification of Iraq. The Baath party was used to “democratize” Iraq. They were adamant that Americans could not be allowed to get cheaper drugs from Canada. Last May they announced Americans would be allowed to get drugs from Canada. Now they say Kerry uses scare tactics when he says Bush will ruin Social Security and restore the military draft if he's elected. Correct me if I’m wrong. But isn’t it Bush’s Attorney General John Ashcroft who trots out a new dire terrorist alert every time the BushMen step in a cow pie? Wasn’t it Vice President Cheney who said the United States would be attacked by terrorists if Kerry is elected? And what administration was it that kept repeating the lie that Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attack and had to be stopped before he used Weapons of Mass Destruction (which he didn’t have) on us? You want policies of fear? Here’s what it boils down to: If the majority of people in the United States trust and believe in a man who lies, cheats, uses fear as a governing tool, wages an unnecessary war killing thousands of good people, favors the rich, penalizes the poor, mortgages the nation and contrives to make our children and grandchildren pay for his folly, then the people of the United States deserve George W. Bush. For the rest of us who have worked so hard to get the man out of office, if the troglodytes in the US prevail, then we deserve to get to watch George W. Bush come apart at the seams in front of our eyes, which he most assuredly will do, given another four years in office. And think about this, as I’m sure George Bush thinks about it during his rare lucid moments. If he is elected he will have to face impeachment proceedings as surely as day follows night.

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