Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Bush Creed: Never wrong, Never to Blame

The latest foul-up in Iraq--380 tons of RDX and HMX explosives have gone missing--makes it difficult for the BushMen to maintain their never-wrong-never-to-blame stance. But they’re giving it a go anyway. Unfortunately, the spokesmen for the Bush administration can’t get their stories straight on who’s to blame. Pentagon apologist Larry Di Rita says the US government has known about the theft for 18 months and the explosives had already been stolen from the Qaqaa site when our troops got there. But White House spokesman Scott McClellan says the Pentagon only just learned about the theft on October 15th. He even said that the Iraq interim government reported the munitions were stolen some time after April 9, 2003. Um...we were still involved in military action then, weren’t we? The New York Times says National Security Adviser Condi Rice was informed within the past month that the explosives were missing. Which raises the question, what did she do with the info? She must have put it in her “Keep it Quiet” file while she went on the stump for her boss. In articles in Salon.com, Josh Marshall says there’s a relatively small window of time when the stuff could have been carted away. The International Atomic Energy Agency reported that the material was at the Qaqaa site on March 8th. The first US troops arrived at the site on April 4th. It’s true that a month would be plenty long enough to effect a normal robbery. Except we’re talking about 380 tons of explosives which would take forty big trucks each loaded to the max with ten tons of highly dangerous material. And by the way, the administration is describing the explosives as “stuff you can buy anywhere” and it doesn’t see RDX and HMX as “a proliferation risk”. The BBC says HMX and RDX are key components in plastic explosives which have been widely used in car bombings in Iraq. What a dandy gift to terrorists, courtesy of the President of the United States who claims to be making the world safer. How long can the BushMen keep maintaining they are never wrong and never to blame? Every day a new revelation proves them always wrong and always to blame. Even Republicans must be tired of being treated like gullible fools.

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