Friday, October 29, 2004

October Surprise--Game, Set, Match

Not exactly what Bush supporters had hoped for, but film shown on CNN’s News Night with Aaron Brown last night revealed an October surprise of mammoth proportions. News Night showed footage filmed by a news crew from ABC affiliate 5 Eyewitness News in Minneapolis. The crew had been embedded with the 101st Airborne Division near the Al QaQaa site in Iraq. Reporter Dean Staley went to the site on April 18th, 2003 and filmed the bunkers. The footage shows hundreds of tons of the explosives which have gone missing. In Brown’s interview with David Kay (Iraq weapons inspector for the Bush Administration) last night, Kay said he could see the IAEA seals on the explosives in the film and that there were no other seals like them in Iraq. He confirmed that these were definitely the types of explosives (HMX and RDX) that are missing. When Brown asked if this was “game, set, match” on this controversy, Kay said, “Yes, game set and match.” And when Brown asked if these explosives would have been classified as WMD, Kay said, “Absolutely not.” It’s not enough that the BushMen have been caught in more lies and deceit over the missing explosives. But Prez Bush’s great and good friend Russia’s President Vladimir Putin must be a little out of sorts over John A. Shaw’s (Bush’s deputy undersecretary of defense for international technology security) claim that he believes Russian troops, using Iraqi intelligence, “almost certainly” stole the missing explosives from the Al QaQaa site. Shaw also said that the explosives had to have disappeared before US troops arrived in Iraq. Want to take any of that back, Mr. Shaw? And how about Rudolf Giuliani’s off-the-wall assertion that President Bush shouldn’t be blamed for this lapse at the Al QaQaa site, it’s the troops who screwed up. Very nice from a man who agrees with the Prez when Bush says “any unflattering remark about our troops is denigrating the actions of our troops and commanders in the field”. Want to restate your comment, Mr. Giuliani? Oh well...never mind. Jon Stewart put it all in perspective on The Daily Show last night. He showed the Prez prating about how any “political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not the person you want as the Commander-in-Chief” and then showed the Prez jumping to conclusions every time he opens his mouth. The more they spin the more they fly up their own bungholes.

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