Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Bush's Batterypack

The big story is that last night Jay Leno trumped the major news media like the New York Times, Washington Post and LA Times by addressing the rumor that Bush is wired. Leno asked his guest Vice Prez Candidate John Edwards about Bush’s mystery bulge. It’s been a scandal waiting to erupt into the bigtime ever since October 8th when posted pics of President Bush during the debates that showed a lump on his back. The Internet blogs went into buzz overload with conjecture about whether the Prez is wearing an earpiece to get information while doing not only the debates but summit meetings and press conferences. The major newspapers had small items noting the rumor and left it at that. But it took Jay Leno to query John Edwards about what in the world was that bulge? And Edwards said it was Bush’s battery and that Kerry should pat him down before tonight’s debate. The Leno interview was picked up by the Associated Press and now is running on everything from Yahoo News to the Miami Herald. The Bush camp initially pooh-poohed the allegations with explanations about creases in the President’s suit. Now Bush loyalists are saying, Where’s the proof? Proof may be on the way. is offering a free subscription to anyone who sends in video of tonight’s debate with positive evidence that Bush is wired. What a beautiful prime time moment if both Kerry and Bush were searched for wires on camera before tonight’s debate. Talk about the horns of a dilemma. What would be worse for Bush? Wearing a wire or not wearing a wire?

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