Monday, June 19, 2006

GOP Says Cow Pies Are Chocolate Pudding

Yesterday, the top men in the oil biz said our gas prices are cheap. And besides, it’s not greedy oil companies who are to blame for oil prices being high, which they aren’t. It’s global competition for supplies that makes oil prices seem high. In fact, oil prices are quite low. The price for fuel only seems high when we buy gas. This is an illusion caused by having so much less money in our wallets when we leave a gas station. George W. Bush visited the totally safe Green Zone in Iraq last week. He stayed in the Green Zone because guerillas, insurgents and Al-Qaeda members that the US supposedly has vanquished will shoot anyone venturing out of the Green Zone. The Prez said the war is going really good and we will be victorious if we stay the course, and presumably, stay in the Green Zone. Karl Rove, who has avoided ever serving in the military in peacetime or wartime, called decorated Vietnam War vets John Murtha and John Kerry “cowards”. The GOP says its amnesty plan for illegal immigrants is not an amnesty plan. And the amazing part about all of this dissembling is that the Bush administration is convinced the public buys it. The reason the White House thinks its lies have been accepted is because Congress has demonstrated it believes everything the White House dishes out. Congress is in its own Green Zone. And the Prez has been kept in a Green Zone ever since his first term. They all talk only to each other. In the political Green Zone the only thing that is of the slightest importance is getting re-elected. And Karl Rove and big business have absolute faith that the public is so stupid we believe anything we’re told as long as we’re kept frightened and off-balance. The GOP’s plan for keeping everyone frightened is to threaten us with what “the others” will do to us. The others will force us to become gay, they will force us to burn our flags, and terrorists will take over our land and rape our women and kill our men. And if that weren’t bad enough, the others will take money from god-fearing honest citizens and give it to the elderly and the undeserving poor. Funny thing. With all this loud rhetoric about how tasty the GOP diet of mud, horseshit and garbage is, the people still are overwhelmingly against the war in Iraq. The people who live in the world and not in a Green Zone don’t much mind gay unions, cannot stand the sight of George W. Bush, believe that people who break the law to live in the US should be punished, and think the entire Congress has its head up its ass.


Charles D said...

For the next 5 months however, all they have to do is convince you that your specific Republican congressperson or senator is not responsible for any of this manure spreading and is doing a bang-up job of bringing home the federal bacon.

The Democratic Party "leadership" is doing its best to insure that any opposition candidate to that Republican is inoffensive, wishy-washy on the war, and highly unlikely to fix any economic or social problems in this country.

Given those facts, far too many Americans are likely to swallow another bite of cow pie.

Barry Schwartz said...

Look, at least they aren’t feeding us _dog_ shit. Yet.