Sunday, February 26, 2006

Anti-Arab? So?

Even the NYT sounds doubtful this morning that it was the magnanimous decision of the UAE to delay it’s takeover of US ports. The NYT said, “The White House plans to portray the action as the company's own decision, giving administration officials a face-saving way of backing away from President Bush's repeated declarations in recent days that there is no security risk in having the port terminals operated by a company controlled by the emir of Dubai, part of the United Arab Emirates.” When the UAE totally backs down and out of this unholy alliance, you can bet your sweet ass it won’t be the UAE that makes that decision. But let’s talk about all the holier-than-thou, pious, politically correct, more-ethically-righteous and more-morally-pure-than-God horseshit about opposition to the Dubai deal being “anti-Arab”. If opposition to letting an Arab government that aided in the 9/11 attacks run our country is anti-Arab, what’s wrong with that? If the US has become anti-Arab, what has made the US anti-Arab? When George H.W. Bush used Saddam Hussein as a paid CIA assassin, were people in the US anti-Arab? When Little Georgie Bush was cavorting around with his best friend Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, were people in the US anti-Arab? When the entire Bush family was bedding down with the entire bin Laden family, was the US anti-Arab? When GHWB jumped into the Kuwait debacle and waged his little Gulf War to protect US oil interests, were people in the US anti-Arab? Could it be that the Saudi attack (with help from the United Arab Emirates) on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 has had something to do with a US anti-Arab bias? Could it be that the unnecessary war with Iraq that the Bush administration forced on the people of the US has had the effect of making people in the US anti-Arab? Is it possible that 2290 American soldiers dying in George Bush’s war in Iraq has made people in the US feel anti-Arab? It is galling to hear ignorant assholes who prate about the sacred rights of a zygote while defending the killing of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq, now cluck their tongues and say it’s anti-Arab bias to oppose a plan to sell our country to an enemy state. If some people in the United States feel no visceral twinge of mistrust for the Arab world, that’s fine. But by me, it’s just as fine, appropriate, understandable and psychologically sound for US citizens to be inclined to count their fingers after a handshake deal with anyone in the Arab world and particularly with the UAE.


Barry Schwartz said...

My question for pretty much everyone is: how come get so worked up about this, after at most a peep about the ports being left pretty much unguarded from day one? I think that's probably a bigger threat than DPW moving crates. My main concern with the DPW deal is that it might be intended to be part of the Bushist Arbeiterspartei's organized crime/money laundering/illegal funding/election tampering/etc. operation.

I'll bet the RNC secretly owns a fleet of cement mixers in every major U.S. city.

Anonymous said...

Another typo. Crokes should be croaks.

Joy Tomme said...

Yep. Crokes should be croaks.