Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What Were They Thinking?

Back in 1998 when the GOP mavens decided Texas Governor George W. Bush should be the 43rd President of the United States, what prompted the Republicans in power to make the worst decision ever made in American politics? The GOP had already decided in 1998 to initiate its plan of so-called pre-emptive strikes on oil-rich and vulnerable countries in the Middle East. Why didn’t they choose a strong and intelligent man to run for president? Why pick an under-achieving addiction-prone learning-disabled ne’er-do-well? George W. Bush was made to order for the job. George W. Bush was and is easily manipulated, vain, absolutely without ethics and totally corrupt. He is profoundly ignorant. He questions nothing and investigates nothing. However George W. Bush is personable. And his main attribute in the eyes of his handlers is that he believes God wants him to rule the world. He is a perfect dupe. The men who run the GOP are arrogant and have a 1950’s mindset. They are unable to understand that cover-ups will come to light and that lies will be found out. When given the chance, they always got away with their plots and schemes before. They are 20th century warhorses incapable of changing their modus operandi. And they too are without ethics and totally corrupt. When a fraud had to be perpetrated for GWB to win the 2000 election, the GOP may have realized it had made a terrible mistake, but evenso, the GOP has never deviated for one second from its avowed purpose. It would be interesting to know exactly when George W. Bush unalterably became damaged goods. By all accounts, he actually carried on a cogent debate with Ann Richards in 1994. Those who have watched the debate tape have said GWB acquitted himself well. Atlantic Monthly writer James Fallows said in the July-August 2004 issue that George W. Bush was articulate and forceful and that he spoke well. Sometime between the age of 48 and 58 George W. Bush suffered a serious breakdown of some sort. I favor the idea that he started using cocaine again to ramp up his macho-mojo and had a stroke…but who knows? The first time the GOP elevated a personable flawed dork to President of the United States, that bigoted know-nothing developed Alzheimer’s and faked it as president for the next seven years. Because of the limits of technology of the time, most people didn’t know the difference. The passage of twenty years has repaired that information gap. The fact that the United States has a mentally impaired idiot for president who has a messiah complex is impossible to conceal. But the original plan of those who pushed George W. Bush into the presidency has not changed since 1998. That plan has always been to control the entire Middle East and its oil by military means. Even though the Commander-in-Chief is a madman and a nuclear war in the Middle East would destroy us all, the White House and Pentagon neocons are undeterred. Republican apologists are still flogging the old complaint that at least the Bush administration has a plan for its war in Iraq and the Democrats have no plan. Wrong. The Democrats do have a plan. The plan of the Democratic Party is to keep informing the public about where the White House has been leading us, and to effect a regime change in the United States starting with the elections this year. But exposing the truth about John McCain as a warloving global aggression conservative is the most important job the Dems have. John McCain is Dick Cheney with wit and a smile. You can’t get more dangerous than that.

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