Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Josh Bolton’s Plan To Refresh & Energize

Here it is folks: The new Chief of Staff’s astounding strategy for change in the Bush administration. Are you ready? Ta-da! Oh wait! He’s going to do what? Let people quit? As it turns out, Bolton’s actual plan seems to be on the girlie-side of passive-aggressive office management. He makes an announcement that heads will roll, tells people to quit while they have the chance, and then what? He’ll no doubt fire someone right away who is already out the door (Treasury’s John Snow is the designated hittee in that arena), he’ll announce the appointment of his replacement, fill the posts of people who’ve been put in jail. And maybe fire some of the White House secretarial pool. That’s it. That’s the plan. John Bolton is not your straight-ahead brass-balls kind of guy. But the style of the Bush White House has always been underhanded and sneaky, which is characteristic of the weak. The Bush administration plots and schemes and tells lies, starts rumors and ruins reputations. It gives itself to thugs and prates about morals. It sells itself for money and calls it patriotism. The Bush administration is a cathouse operating out of a ladies sewing circle. And unless Josh Bolton fires the entire Bush cabinet including Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, nothing is going to change. Press Secretary Scott McClellan said, "The president has given him (Bolton) the full authority to do what he needs to do, and what he believes is in the best interest of this White House and this president." That says it all. Those are Rove/Cheney words, not the Prez's, because Bush can't put together a simple declarative sentence. And Rove/Cheney believe it’s in the best interest of the Bush administration to let the disloyal quit and to keep everything else in place. And that is exactly what Chief of Staff Bolton is going to do--nothing more.

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