Monday, March 13, 2006

Porn Star Mary Carey Is Doing DC…Again

And she says she is “so excited” to be seeing the Prez…again. Last May, Mary Carey (nee Mary Cook) and her LA hard-core porn producer Mark Kulkis paid the required 5,000 bucks for two tix to a National Republican Congressional Committee party where the porn queen met her peers in the GOP. See, Miss Mary, star of such XXX videos as "Grand Opening”, ran for California Governor in 2003. Now she says she’s going to have another go at the California Guv race and she needs all the Repub support she can get. PRWire broke the news yesterday that Mary Carey will be the guest of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). PRWire says she will join Karl Rove, senior advisor to the President, for lunch on Wednesday the 15th, and President Bush for dinner on Thursday the 16th. So okay, this is a lot of fun for everyone. But low jokes and raised eyebrows aside, what is going on? First, let’s be clear. The NRCC is different from the Republican National Committee (RNC). U.S. Rep. Tom Reynolds (NY) is the Chairman of the NRCC. Ken Mehlman is the Chairman of the RNC. The NRCC hype says it’s “a political committee devoted to increasing the 231-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives”. Alrighty then. I cannot with good conscience allege that in-the-closet-but-who’s-kidding-whom Mehlman is responsible for trying to stoke up George W. Bush’s hetero-quotient. But it looks like someone in the GOP has gotten a load of Press Secretary Scottie McClellan, advisor Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman and decided that with all his other troubles, the Prez could use a hetero boost. So you have to wonder: has the Prez been meeting with his college cheerleading buddy, Polish Ambassador Victor Ashe again? Are those rumors getting a re-run? Have the recent Repub scandals made the Prez all tense and he’s been blowing off, um, steam? Have Special Services been getting in contact with JimmyJeff GuckertGannon for special services? Oh well…whatever. We’re probably going to see a series of photo-ops of George-who-likes-women now. Does that mean Karen Hughes and Condi Rice have to get Double-D implants?

1 comment:

Barry Schwartz said...

For a while they had Ed Koch being seen with Bess Myerson. Of course poor Bess came down with kleptomania and Koches reproduce asexually, through a budding process. But it was good while it lasted.