Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mr. Ratfucker Feels A History Lesson Is Due

Mr. Ratfucker gets a real kick out of the transparent posts of silly freepers. Most freepers are young, inexperienced and ignorant. Ergo, Mr. Ratfucker believes a little education might be helpful to these blithering black holes of stupidity. Mr. Ratfucker would like to focus attention on George Bush Sr’s Gulf War, which was a war over oil but was sold as a war to stop Saddam Hussein’s aggression. GHWBush had the opportunity to stop Hussein once and for all and decided not to. By 1982, even though Iran was a terrorist country, the US was sending illegal arms to Iran to fight Nicaragua. In 1984 the US wanted to send arms legally to Iran. The Reagan administration went to Saudi Prince Bandar and had the Saudis funnel arms to Iran. Reagan also supported the Saudis, Kuwait and Egypt in sending arms to Iraq in order to aid Saddam Hussein. The US had been in cahoots with Saddam Hussein as far back as 1959 when Saddam was hired by the CIA as a paid assassin. When George Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA in 1976, he continued the practice of using Saddam as a paid assassin. In the mid 1980’s, it also served the US interests in Afghanistan to work with Osama bin Laden in sending covert aid to the Afghanis. When Israel bombed a nuclear reactor in Osirak, Iraq in 1981, GHWBush said he thought Israel should be punished even though the reactor was considered to be Iraq’s first step toward making a nuclear weapon. Donald Rumsfeld became GHWBush’s Secretary of Defense in 1983. (Correction: Donald Rumsfed became GWBush's Secretary of Defense in 2001.) In 2002, Rumsfeld boasted that he had cautioned Saddam Hussein against using chemical weapons. That was a lie. Rumsfeld never cautioned Hussein against using chemical weapons. All during the Reagan/GHWBush years, the US publicly decried Iraq’s use of chemical weapons and privately supported it. In 1988 Saddam Hussein dropped a chemical bomb on Halabja and killed 5000 of his own people, the Iraqi Kurds. A bill was proposed in the US Congress, the Prevention of Genocide Act, which would have imposed sanctions on Iraq for the chemical attack on Halabja. Colin Powell and Dick Cheney made sure the act did not become law. The Reagan administration gave Saddam Hussein a free pass for gassing the Kurds. In 1989 GHWBush signed a National Security directive that gave Saddam Hussein more aid and promised not to tighten restrictions on US high tech exports to Iraq. By 1990 GHWBush’s administration was still sharing military intelligence with Saddam and GHWBush opposed Congressional efforts to impose sanctions on Saddam Hussein. In order to protect US oil interests in Iraq, GHWBush had armed Saddam Hussein. But in July 1990 Prince Bandar told GHWBush that Saddam planned to invade Kuwait. This meant Saddam would control Saudi and Kuwait oil fields and GHWBush agreed with Bandar that Hussein had to be stopped. On August 5, 1990, GHWBush postured and fulminated and declared, “This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait.” GHWB knew Americans didn’t believe Middle East oil was worth losing lives over. So he said, “The fight isn’t over oil. The fight is about naked aggression and will not stand.” The Bush administration hired Hill and Knowlton, a prestigious PR firm, to convince the American people that Saddam was a villain. Saddam was a villain. But Hill and Knowlton went over-the-top and invented a baby-killing story to get the point across and to further the idea that the US had to militarily stop Saddam Hussein from aggressing on Kuwait. The fact was that the US needed to protect Saudi/US oil interests. The subsequent Gulf War was over in three months and showed that the Iraqis did not have the military power that Prince Bandar and GHWBush claimed it had. However, the US could have ended Saddam’s reign over Iraq once for all in 1991 and chose not to. That fact stuck in the craw of Republican neocons from the end of the Gulf War on April 6, 1991 to the beginning of the War in Iraq on March 20, 2003. Mr. Ratfucker will finish his history lesson tomorrow, unless another Republican scandal breaks and requires comment. All facts related in Mr. Ratfucker’s history lesson can be checked out in official records. Reading “House of Saud House of Bush” by Craig Unger is a good way to learn those facts.


Barry Schwartz said...

This history confuses me. In particular, in 1983 GHW Bush was not president, and Donald Rumsfeld was a pharmaceuticals executive, not secretary of defense. One of the PNACis _was_ GHW Bush's secretary of defense, but that was Cheney, not Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld was secretary of defense for Gerald Ford.

Rumsfeld was a special envoy, however. I think that's what you want.

In any case, freepers don't need history lessons, they need psychiatrists. They don't listen to history lessons, because of their functional brain disorder.

Joy Tomme said...

Oddy, I sent a comment to your comment, Barry, and apparently it went into the great round file in the sky.

My comment to your comment said: It's true. I should have said Donald Rumsfeld became GWBush's Secretary of Defense in 2001. Thanks for the correction.