Wednesday, September 27, 2006

At Least Now We Know How A REAL Prez Acts

After six years of George W. Bush, I had forgotten how real presidents comport themselves. But when Pakistan’s President Pervez Musharraf appeared on The Daily Show last night, it suddenly came back to me. Oh my God! Real presidents are dignified, knowledgeable, articulate, respectful, amusing, and mirabile dictu! Real presidents put the welfare of their country and its citizens ahead of their own egos. Real presidents are diplomatic and thoughtful. When Jon Stewart broached the subject of Richard Armitage (then-deputy secretary of state) threatening to “bomb Pakistan back to the Stone Age” if Musharraf didn’t support the US after 9/11, Musharraf said, "I've had to learn the art of tightrope-walking many times, and I think I've become quite an expert of that." And real presidents speak the truth without hesitation. Putting Musharraf on the hot seat, Stewart asked, "George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden - be truthful - who would win a popular vote in Pakistan?" "I think they’d both lose miserably," Musharraf said.

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