Friday, November 12, 2004

Why is Rummy Still Around?

In the real world, there are only two reasons a boss keeps an employee on the payroll who is as bumbling and inept as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. 1) He’s a relative 2) He knows where the bodies are buried. We all know Rumsfeld and Bush are not related. It looked like Rumsfeld had made all the bad calls he could possibly make in Iraq. But no. He still had the offensive in Falluja to foul up. And now he has even surpassed himself in incompetence. The brain trust in the White House got together and reasoned that it would be a bad idea to attack Falluja before the election. They knew reports of more deaths of US soldiers and little children dying at the hands of Americans would be very difficult for the White House alchemists to spin into gold. So they decided to hold off the plans to annihilate the insurgents in Falluja until after November 2. But the masters of deceit and lies also wanted to get some mileage out of their planned attack. The plotline about George Bush being a wartime Prez always was good for a photo-op here, some PR bullshit there. So the two-bit bargain-basement production team that gave us the Shock and Awe flopperoo decided to ballyhoo the attack for a couple weeks...just to get whatever pre-election juice out of it they could. If you remember, the election hype included a whole lot of strut and brag about Bush being a strong resolute Prez, a wartime Prez who planned to reduce the insurgents to dust in Falluja. Brag-brag. Strut strut. Blah-blah. Quel surprise! The insurgents and residents of Falluja not being dumbass fools like the bunch in the White House got the hell out of Dodge before we got there. The resistance has been light, the news reports say. You’re damn right it’s been light. Bush boasted and blabbed and the smart Fallujans, insurgents included, vamoosed leaving only a skeleton rag-tag bunch for the sake of show. And this morning’s news is that the insurgents have regrouped and are attacking other Iraq cities with their main force still intact. Perhaps you’ve noticed the MSM is sounding as though the lack of resistance in Falluja is a good thing. And the fact that 18 of our soldiers have died because Bush didn’t give a rat’s ass about Iraq during his swagger and smirk campaign to get elected is being downplayed or ignored. And please, folks, do not ever say re-elected. George W-for-Warmonger was not elected the first time, he was seated by the Supreme Court. Being able to say I didn’t vote for the Fascists in the White House feels better all the time. And I expect bumper stickers to appear to that effect any day So what is it going to take to get Rumsfeld fired? Apparently nothing he does is bad enough. One can only conclude that Rummy not only has the documented goods on Junior, he has a smoking-gun file on Pops too.

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