Saturday, November 13, 2004

Are Fun and GOP Mutually Exclusive?

The two-week GOP gloat party is nearly over. And it must seem odd, from the Bush administration perspective, that the country hasn’t lined up behind the President and cried out in unison, Praise George for George is Great! Because God knows, Karl the Rove has done his part: The press has been muzzled, the GOP rewrite of the news has become the only acceptable version, the “values” non-issue was revved up and 50% of the voters believe that born-agains who are one-quarter of our population speak for the entire population. The puppet President seems to have had his meds re-evaluated and his physical tics and signs of malfunction are under control. But there are always unpredictable glitches in any dictatorship. And unfortunately for the GOP the news coming out of Iraq can’t be manipulated enough and it’s bad, bad, bad and getting worse. And the bloggers can’t be shut down. So the fun part is beginning and it looks like fun and the GOP will be co-existing for the foreseeable future. I don’t know what the Las Vegas morning line on the GOP is. But I understand there is one. And the list of scandals that could bring down the Bush era is long and getting longer. But I would put my money on the mainstream media getting fed up and letting the sun shine on the GOP intimidation plots. What the BushMen are trying to do is hold back the dawn. Or, as the American Indian story about Chipmunk and Bear has it: Bear told Chipmunk he could do anything even stop the sun from rising. But after a night of watching the sky in the east, the sun came up on schedule and Chipmunk chanted,"The sun came up, the sun came up, bear is angry, but the sun came up." There were some shenanigans about Bear making threats that maybe he couldn’t stop the sun from rising, but he could stop Chipmunk from seeing another dawn. But because Bear was innately stupid, Chipmunk outsmarted him and Chipmunk saw many more dawning days. And Chipmunk didn’t even have bloggers to help him out.

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