Sunday, November 07, 2004

What Is That Sucking Sound?

It’s the MSM kissing Bush’s Ass. Surprised? Two questions throw the MSM into a panic. Would the right-wing controlled corporations actually pull their advertising from mainstream news shows and newspapers if they don’t like what they see? The answer is Yes, and they have. Would the Bush administration bring the full intensity of the FBI, IRS and legal scrutiny on the MSM if it doesn’t fall in line with BushSpin crappola? Insiders say it’s already happened and the MSM doesn’t want a rerun. So while CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post and the LA Times quiver and shake and slavishly report and print only the GOP-approved news, inquiring minds seek out the Web and find the truth whether the jackboots in the White House like it or not. It could still happen that the MSM will wake up and realize they are so powerful in their own right that intimidation from sponsors and politicians is not only an insupportable infringement of first amendment’s an outrageous misuse of power not to’s illegal. Although legality is a quaint nicety the Repugs don’t take seriously, the law is still the one tool we have that can bring down the totalitarian government being formed by the Bush administration. This morning, Cannonfire reports that although Bob Woodward at the Washington Post was interested in the Bush Bulge story, the Washington Post refused to run it before the election, CBS promised the Bushies it would not run a story on the faked Niger documents until after the election. And stories about the GOP’s brazen attempts to suppress votes were harder to find on the MSM than born-agains in a synagogue. Right now, the blogs are what the Washington Post was in 1973. The Watergate story started small and built into a firestorm. Proof was needed and proof was found. We know voter fraud happened in this past election. We need the proof. We’ll get the proof. And don’t think the BushMen aren’t worried about us. They are!


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Ratfucker,

Perhaps you need to re-read the 1st Amendment? Its prohibitions only apply to government action not those of individuals or corporations. There's nothing at all illegal about corp's. not buying advertising for whatever reason they choose not to buy it. (Except in your dreams, perhaps?)

Ell Small

Bill said...

There is also nothing in the constitution that says We The People cannot boycott these News services, and their sponsors' products. The power of the consumer is far greater than the power of the MSM.