Monday, November 08, 2004

Open Letter to Andy Rooney

Dear Andy Rooney: In your long career on the “60 Minutes” television program you’ve said some very wise things and some very dumb things. But in the past year you have been more on-point and open about your antipathy to President Bush and his war in Iraq than others in the mainstream media. And it’s been refreshing. However, last night, you ended your segment on Sunday night’s “60 Minutes” by saying that the election is over and people who voted for John Kerry should “support the President...that’s what I’m going to do.” Why? Unifying this country is not my job and it isn’t your job, Mr. Rooney. Unifying, compromising, negotiating and bringing the country together is the President’s job. During his first press conference after the election George W. Bush spoke from his heart of hearts when he said he would reach out to the people who agree with him. He said that either Democrats could support his agenda or be left behind. President Bush has no interest in bringing us together. He has clearly stated his intentions. He wants to force the views of half the country on the other half. I wouldn’t support him, his agenda or the horses’ asses he rode in on if the FBI knocked on my door and ordered me to support him or die in jail. And the way things are going, we all may see that day. I am against everything President Bush so arrogantly stands for. Are you saying the Democrats in Congress should support the Bush plan to rape Social Security? Are they to support pre-emptive war in whatever country Bush deems evil? Are they now to support his giving welfare to the rich and screwing the poor? Are Americans who feel Bush’s war in Iraq is an immoral act of aggression now supposed to support that war? Are pro-choice people required to become anti-abortion fanatics because George Bush was elected? Are you saying we should stash our brains in the closet and like robots support the President in his delusions that God wants him to rule in the United States, if not the world? Being an American does not obligate me to support the President any more than supporting our soldiers means I support the war in Iraq You made an incredibly foolish statement, Mr. Rooney. It is impossible for me to support George W. Bush or his policies and I am proud to say I will not do it.

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