Friday, September 15, 2006

Powell: World “Would Doubt” US Moral Basis

Former secretary of state and current toadying suck-up Colin Powell sided with Senators Warner (R-VA), McCain (R-VA), Graham (R-SC) and Collins (R-MA) in their opposition to the Bush administration’s plan to rewrite the Geneva Conventions regarding the trial and interrogation of terrorism suspects. Powell sent a letter to the Prez saying that the White House plan “would encourage the world to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism and would put our own troops at risk.” Dear Colin Powell: The world already doubts our morals. And the senseless and unnecessary war in Iraq already has put our troops at risk. In case you haven’t been paying attention, Mr. Powell, 2680 US soldiers have died in the war you lied us into in Iraq. It was you, after all, who said at the United Nations Security Council on February 5, 2003, "there can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons." Many of our soldiers'deaths are because the US failed to give our troops proper equipment and adequate training. Plus, everyday our soldiers are being put at further risk by being re-deployed time and again back to Iraq when they are already physically and mentally taxed beyond their endurance. The White House plan to spit on the Geneva Convention rules would merely add more risks to our soldiers, should they be captured. But they already are at risk because of the White House, the Pentagon, and your stupidity, arrogance and ignorance. And you think the world “would be encouraged” to doubt our morals? The world has no doubt whatsoever right now, today, this hour that under the leadership of the Bush administration (that includes you, Mr. Powell), the United States has no moral or ethical standards whatsoever. I can only assume Colin Powell is hopeful that John McCain would give him a job in his cabinet if McCain wins the 2008 election. And therefore Powell has now traded in the most-favored kissed ass of George W. Bush for a new and more appealing most-favored kissed ass of John McCain.

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