Wednesday, May 03, 2006

They’re At It Again

The news is all bad for the Bush administration. So what are the White House plans for counteracting the fact that the Republicans have done nothing right in the last five years and are bringing the US to ruin? The White House is releasing another scare alert and hoping and praying that citizens will be so freaked we won’t notice no one is running the country. Today the White House is making public a 17-page draft summary of the government’s 228-page report of steps federal officials will take to combat a pandemic birdflu outbreak. But in a nutshell, the federal government says in the report not to count on the federal government for help. Second, the fed says we should look to state and local governments to handle a serious outbreak. But state and local governments say they have no money or resources to handle a pandemic outbreak. And the government says two million people could die in the US of birdflu. The bottom line is, we are told to stay home, wear surgical masks and lay low when the birdflu hits. If there are any National Guard units not in Iraq or US army units not in Iraq, they will attempt to keep order. But since mostly poultry workers will get the available vaccines, people may riot and storm hospitals and drug stores and the few military people may not be able to quell the unrest. The government has not said how many of the 2 mil dead people will die because they’ve been shot to death in riots over vaccines. So now that we’re scared shitless and we’ve forgotten about the war in Iraq, the upcoming nuclear war with Iran, the fact that the unnecessary war has bankrupted the US, the fact that many of our elected officials are going to jail, the fact that George W. Bush is in cahoots with the people who attacked the World Trade Center, and the fact that our so-called leaders are corrupt megalomaniacal fascists only interested in feathering their nests and the nests of their cronies, we are supposed to calmly think about the Doomsday options available to us when the birdflu hits. And I’m thinking Mexico has already found the answer. Mexican President Vicente Fox is going to sign a bill that will legalize the use of every drug and narcotic sold in Mexico. Good plan. Since our federal government is not going to help us in an epidemic, state and local governments can’t help us, two million people will probably die, gunhappy militias will try to keep order, all businesses will be disrupted and will likely fail and chaos will reign supreme, we may as well go out happy and flying high.


pilgrimchick said...

Good conclusion ;-).

I remember when stressed the possibility of different kinds of lethal attack to the point that people actually thought they would be better off purchasing and using, no less, duct tape and plastic siding to protect their households.


Anonymous said...

don't forget who benefit$ from pumping out all that flu vaccine...rumsy ain't no dumsy.

and i love the idea that we'll all have to go to mexico to get our legal and illegal drugs. now that's free trade for ya!