Friday, January 21, 2005

Did You Watch the Inauguration Speech? Oh My God!

The thrust of the speech was that George W. Bush during the next four years is going to force freedom and liberty on the whole world. As Jon Stewart hilariously chronicled on last night’s Daily Show, the Bushmaton’s speechwriters invoked the word “freedom” 27 times and “liberty” 15 times during the 21-minute inauguration speech. Which would be fine and laudable except that the man who delivered the speech is chipping away at the liberty and freedom of every American in the United States and has plans to impose his idea of freedom and liberty on the entire world whether they want it or not. Totally forgotten in the rhetoric and the public policy now being put forth by the White House is the fact that we attacked Iraq because we lied and said Iraq had Weapons of Mass destruction. Bringing freedom and liberty to the Iraqi’s was an afterthought that sounded good and played well with knee-jerk Republicans, but it was not the main reason we invaded Iraq. Totally forgotten and pushed under the rug on Inauguration Day 2005 was the fact that the second reason we attacked Iraq was in order to kill Saddam Hussein who had embarrassed the Bush family. And the third reason we attacked Iraq is that the White House wanted to gain control of Iraq’s oil. In its overriding arrogance, the White House assumes it has wiped from the pages of history and the minds of Americans the real reasons that, as of today, 1371 American soldiers have died in the Iraq war. But according to the Bush’s inauguration speech, which never mentioned Afghanistan or Iraq, it is the duty of the United States to forcibly bring our form of government to all countries of the world because, he said, ” We are led, by events and common sense, to one conclusion: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.” Jeff Greenfield, Senior Analyst on CNN’s News Night, who usually sits on the fence was very forthright last night. He referred to the inauguration speech saying, ”...if it (Iraq) was a big deal before this speech, it's going to be an even bigger contentious deal after because Bush's critics are going to say, "Fine, we know your theory. The first place you tried this is in Iraq. How's that working out?" Bush said, “My most solemn duty is to protect this nation and its people from further attacks and emerging threats. Some have unwisely chosen to test America's resolve and have found it firm.” Have the Bush speechwriters forgotten that the people who attacked us got away with it? America’s firm resolve hasn’t meant jackshit to Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda who were the ones who flew planes into the World Trade Center. Our firm resolve has only been demonstrated on a country that did not attack us. Our firm resolve has been demonstrated on a country we attacked for the most venal reasons and on whom we have waged an unwinnable and unnecessary war. Bush said, “Today, America speaks anew to the peoples of the world. All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know the United States will not ignore your oppression or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you.” Oh really? What have we done for the Sudanese in Africa where genocide once again is being perpetrated on a whole nation? The newly-anointed Savior of the World is so in thrall of his delusions that he believes the horrifying global aims he announced for the world yesterday are worthy goals for the United States to pursue. And he believes he can overhaul the world in his image in four years. The Social Security system may take a little longer.

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