Sunday, December 03, 2006

Suck-up of the Year: Time Mag

Time Magazine is considering naming Condoleezza Rice as its choice for Person of the Year. Which places Time Mag in the running for Suck-up of the Year. Although Rice herself has already won that title. What has Condoleezza Rice done that would put her in the category of an outstanding human being? Ever? Oh, right. I hear she plays the piano tolerably well. And she is the most adept and practiced Bush yes-person in the White House. But excellent and superior in any other way? Never was and never will be. Rice became Secretary of State because she unfailingly agreed with every nonsensical thing George W. Bush did and said. Plus, she was his Number Two Minder. Along with Karen Hughes who was GWB’s Number One Kiss-Ass Gofer, Condoleezza Rice could be counted on to calm the Prez when he had his frenzied episodes of fury and agitation. The duties of Secretary of State (as outlined by the Bureau of Public Affairs) are to be the President’s “chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States.” In other words, the Secretary of State should be an ace diplomat. And at diplomacy, Rice is a resounding dud. On Sunday July 30th, 2006 Lebanon's Prime Minister Siniora cancelled Rice’s visit to Lebanon after Israel bombed a village in Lebanon. Rice refused to plead for an immediate ceasefire to end the war. Rice insisted it was she who canceled the trip not visey-versy. On August 8th, while visiting her second home, Crawford, Texas where she was engaged in her main duty as Secretary of State—telling George W. Bush he was all-powerful and wonderful—Rice talked with reporters about a draft resolution the UN was going to vote on which supposedly would aid in ending the war between Israel and Lebanon. Rice was characteristically snarky as she said, “We'll see who is for peace and who isn't." On CNN’s Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on October 6, 2006, the father of a soldier killed in Iraq asked when they would be pulling all remaining troops out of Iraq and if the U.S. government planned to admit that the invasion should never have happened in the first place. Rice imperiously claimed the US was correct to invade Iraq because an environment needed to be created where “Iraqis stop killing other Iraqis.” How’s that for diplomacy? On November 6th, 2006, the German News magazine Der Spiegel quoted Rice saying that Saddam’s death sentence was “a triumph of justice” and showed that “the iraqis are favoring justice over revenge”. One wonders what Rice thinks revenge would look like? The Iraqis are hanging him. And who can forget Condoleezza Rice shopping for shoes at Ferragamo in New York at the height of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. When another shopper confronted Rice by shouting “How dare you shop for shoes while thousands are dying and homeless”, Rice had a security detail physically remove the woman from the store. Of course that was back in 2005 and Time Mag thinks Rice’s stellar performance in 2006 blots out all prior blunders and bad acts. Rice’s performance in 2006 has merely been to echo the wrong-headed policies of the Bush administration. But Ms Rice does so with a mean face, a personality as engaging as Attila the Hun and a public speaking style that is wordy and tedious. What is Time Mag thinking? It would be difficult to pick a person less qualified for Person of the Year than Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Here’s a Top-Ten list of people who really deserve the honor of being named PERSON OF THE YEAR. 10.Comic Lewis Black. He’s screamingly funny when he tells the truth about the failures of George W. Bush 9. Likewise, Jon Stewart. He gives a hilarious view of the assholes running the USA since 2000. 8. Veteran of the Vietnam War John Murtha (D-PA). He has courageously spoken out against the Iraq war and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. 7. CNN’s Lou Dobbs. He constantly calls the federal government to account for refusing to make illegal immigrants obey the federal government’s laws. 6.CNN’s Anderson Cooper won’t let us forget the victims of Katrina that Condoleezza Rice doesn’t want us to remember. 5.Al Gore. He keeps on keepin’ on about the environment. 4.The whole gang at YouTube. They let us see all the videos all the time of all the idiots running the USofA. 3. Any Mom of a soldier in Iraq. 2. Any soldier in Iraq. 1. A blanket PEOPLE OF THE YEAR award should go to ALL BLOGGERS for not letting the Bush administration get away with its malfeasance and for paving the way for the Democrats to regain control of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

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