Thursday, August 24, 2006

Lieberman Reinvents Himself, Again

Last Sunday Joe Lieberman, the Democrat Senator from Connecticut and sleazoid turncoat opportunist said, “I think it’s still time for new leadership at the Pentagon. With all respect to Don Rumsfeld, who has done a grueling job for six years, we would benefit from new leadership to work with our military in Iraq.” Which led some people to wonder if he was actually suggesting that Rumsfeld should be canned, or what? Today, his aides wanted to clarify things and, according to the New York Times, they said, “Lieberman has criticized the Bush administration for its handling of the war and said on Sunday that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld should resign.” So now we know. Lieberman unequivocally wants Rumsfeld OUT. At least, as of this morning, Lieberman wants Rumsfeld gone. Who knows what he may say this afternoon? And on his 15-minute interview with conservative radio talk show host Glenn Beck on Tuesday, he said, “I think if I fault the administration for anything before the war — because I think we did the right thing in going in to overthrow Saddam — it’s that they oversold the W.M.D. part of the argument.” Oh really? On November 30, 2005, Lieberman followed up his Wall Street Journal editorial of November 29th by telling ABC Radio host Sean Hannity that it was wrong to claim that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. attacked in 2003. Lieberman said, "The so-called Duelfer Report,which a lot of people read to say there were no weapons of mass destruction - concluded that Saddam continued to have very low level of chemical and biological programs." Of this you may be sure, at any given time and on any given topic, Lieberman will say whatever wil benefit him most. Which, of course, settles him nicely in the laps of the merry band at the White House. And by the way, if you think the kiss Lieberman gave the Prez at the State of the Union Speech on February 2, 2005 was the final smarmy seal of his brownnosing, toadying, groveling, ass smooching courtship of the Bush administration, read Lieberman’s WSJ editorial. He goes in up to his shoulders on that one.

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