Saturday, October 16, 2004

Cheney's Lesbian Daughter

The Bush/Cheney duo is against gay marriage. They opine that homosexuality is against God’s law. They not only agree with the far-right religious antipathy toward homosexuality but they use it as a campaign issue. During the October 13th Kerry/Cheney debate moderator Bob Schieffer asked whether homosexuality is a choice. Kerry said he believed that the Cheney’s lesbian daughter Mary would say she was born a lesbian and had not chosen to be a lesbian. The Cheney’s reacted as though Kerry had said their daughter was a serial killer. George Bush and Dick Cheney have made homosexuality an issue in the presidential campaign. And ignoring that Mary Cheney is a lesbian is like ignoring the proverbial elephant sitting in the living room. Mrs. Cheney said that Kerry was not a good man. She said talking about her daughter was “a cheap and tawdry political trick". Elizabeth Edwards, wife of VP candidate John Edwards said that Mrs. Cheney had overreacted and that she treated the issue “as if it's shameful to have this discussion”. Mrs. Edwards went on to say, “it indicates a certain degree of shame with respect to her daughter's sexual preferences”. In August, 2000, ABC’s Cokie Roberts said to Lynne Cheney, “You have a daughter who has now declared that she is openly gay.” Mrs. Cheney said, “Mary has never declared such a thing.” However, Mary had declared such a thing. Mrs. Cheney chastised Roberts, saying, “I’m surprised, Cokie that even you would want to bring it up on this program.” So what’s the deal, Mr. and Mrs. Cheney? You’re ashamed of your lesbian daughter and you urge anti-gays to vote for the Bush/Cheney ticket because it’s a vote for family values, but John Kerry saying that your daughter is gay is off-limits? It was you, Dick and Lynne Cheney, who chose to aid and abet gay-bashing as a campaign issue, in direct opposition to your daughter’s life-style. And so be it. But using the “angry father” and “Kerry is is not a good man” whine is not only disingenuous, it’s pure political hokum.

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