The nut of this article is that big-bucks pharmaceutical firms are trying to get state and
federal l legislatures to make
laws prohibiting the manufacture of generic drugs—those drugs that are just
like the brand name originals but muchmuchmuch cheaper.
Where the crappola comes in,
is in the parsing. Some of those cheaper drugs are called generics and some are
called biosimilars—in any case, they are made by chemical processes rather than
produced in living cells. The big pharms are claiming they aren’t safe because
they are not really “just like” the originals and therefore should not have the
same name as the originals. Laws say that generic drugs have to have the same name
as brand name drugs or they cannot be used interchangeably.
Legislators who have gotten
on the band wagon to outlaw generics because they are not safe are going on
record bloviating about the complexity of the “molecules” which they do not understand any bettter than you and I. What the legislators
do understand is that the big-bucks pharmaceuticals have elected legislators by
giving huge donations to political campaigns and political parties and they
expect a quid pro quo.
What is not at issue here is
the safety and health of patients.
If the pharms cared one iota
about patient health they would not spend billions of dollars on ad campaigns
to promote drugs that have lethal side effects and/or have not been properly tested for safety. In addition, these pharms would not put
drugs on the market which the pharms themselves admit have a 5% chance of being
lethal—which percentage drug companies call “acceptable”.
A 5% possibility of horrific
side effects , cancer and death may not be acceptable to you and me, but it is an
acceptable rate of failure to drug companies.
What is at the heart of this
hue and cry about generic drugs and their so-called safety is money. If you and
I and doctors and hospitals opt for cheaper drugs, the big pharmaceuticals lose
billions and billions of dollars. And that rate of failure is not acceptable to
the big pharms.